Tuesday 24 March 2015

Hello World - An Introduction to this Blog

Hello World!

(I currently have quite a jumble of thoughts tumbling about in my mind. I hope i can put them down into logical sentences that makes sense.)

I just I am an ordinary sort of person: Growing up in Singapore, I studied hard as a kid, attended a local university, and is now a (sort of) well adjusted Working Adult, contributing to society.

But since my teenaged years, I realized that love to follow all things politics. It does not matter if it is our local Singapore affairs, the (often over-dramatic) exciting conflicts between the Democrats and the Republicans in American Politics, or the (somewhat scandalous) showdowns between the BN or the PK in our neighbours to the north, I relish them all.

However, many a times I have been reminded that Politics (and Religion) are topics not suited for polite company. Between this, and my unwillingness to post controversial items on my social media accounts, I am at a loss of avenues where I can unleash my political observations and opinions to the world.

Enter this Blog.

Before you write me off as some political commentator/ Internet celebrity wannabe, I would like to say, yes there is a possibility that this blog might one day degenerate into such a sad state. HOWEVER, at this point of time, I know I'm but a single person with a single opinion, which may be flawed and even wrong at times, but hey, I'm Only human.

So I hope I can astound the world with my astute observations and comments, or at the very least provide me with a place to rant and bore the world with my inane drivel. After all, isn't this what the internet is for?

As I end off this post, I think I would like to make a commitment, at least to myself: As I pursue this blog as a side project/ hobby, the very least I can do is to strive to be neutral, unbiased and impartial at all time; not being pro- or against any specific political candidate or party. I also would try remain as open-minded as I can (though as stubborn as I can be, this is easier said than done).


Hello World. 

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